[Bioperl-l] Offering to help

Bruno Vecchi vecchi.b at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 17:30:27 UTC 2009

> That's quite a dangerous proposition you're making there. Does that
> mean I get a free ride to request any possible program or bugfix and
> so on? I'll have to think about this some more.

If I can wrap my head around the subject, then yes, why not? I am willing to

2009/3/3 Chris Fields cjfields at illinois.edu

> For a Moose-based bioperl implementation I suggest a separate repo
> completely.  We're using svn currently on dev.open-bio.org, though I and a
> few others are also using git.  I'm neutral on the matter but it's possible
> the consensus may be to keep everything in the open-bio svn repo (not
> everyone has git or uses it).

If it's ok with you, I'd like to help porting modules to Moose. As for VCS,
my vote (FWIW) goes to git and github, there's been a lot of migration in
that direction lately (perl5, rakudo).

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