[BioPython] problems to fetch pdb files from server using pdb_list

Peter peter at maubp.freeserve.co.uk
Thu May 22 11:14:52 EDT 2008

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 3:38 PM, Florian Koelling
<florian.koelling at tu-bs.de> wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> I tried to download pdb files using  pdb_list:
> (the second variant didn't work as well:-@)
> from Bio.PDB import*
> pdbl=PDBList()
> pdbl.retrieve_pdb_file('1FAT')

This worked for me, it create a subdirectory "fa" inside the current
working directory, and saved the PDB there as "pdb1fat.ent".

Are you sure the error you quoted in your email matches this code?

> #pdbl.retrieve_pdb_file('1FAT', obsolete= compression='.Z',
> uncompress='gunzip', pdir='/home/flo/Desktop')

The above isn't valid python syntax (there is something wrong between
the words obsolete and compression).  You probably want something like

pdbl.retrieve_pdb_file('1FAT', pdir='/home/flo/Desktop')


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