[Bioperl-l] HTMLResultWriter
lpaulet at ual.es
lpaulet at ual.es
Mon Jan 25 20:31:08 UTC 2010
Hi all,
I'm trying to generate a subroutine that performs a BLAST search and
returns the corresponding reports in txt, xml and html format. I´m
experiencing problems with the latter, as the program returns the
following error message:
"Can't call method "next_result" without a package or object reference at..."
sub blasting {
my ($query, $E_value) = @_;
my ($outputfilenameB, $outputfilenameX, $outputfilenameH);
#legacy_blast.pl blastall -i query -d nr -o blast.out --path /opt/blast/bin
print qx(du -s /tmp);
my $blast_report =qx/$blast -p blastp -d $database -i $query -e
$E_value -b 20000 -o $outputfilenameB/;
my $XMLblast_report =qx/$blast -p blastp -d $database -i $query -e
$E_value -m 7 -b 20000 -o $outputfilenameX/;
my $writerhtml = new Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HTMLResultWriter();
my $outhtml = new Bio::SearchIO(-writer => $writerhtml,
-file => ">$outputfilenameH");
while( my $result = $blast_report->next_result ) { # get a result from
Bio::SearchIO parsing or build it up in memory
Can anyone see where the problem is?
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