[Bioperl-l] OBF application for Summer of Code has been rejected

Hilmar Lapp hlapp at gmx.net
Wed Mar 18 14:45:50 EDT 2009

I hope to find out later why, but our Google Summer of Code  
application as an umbrella org has been rejected.

However, NESCent has been accepted. If you can give your project idea  
a phylogenetics/phyloinformatics focus, go and put it up on the  
NESCent ideas page at


Do so pretty much **now** - we will start broadcasting and reaching  
out to students tonight and tomorrow. If someone comes to the site and  
they don't see a Bio* project that they would have been interested in,  
they may not check back for updates.


: Hilmar Lapp  -:-  Durham, NC  -:-  hlapp at gmx dot net :

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