[EMBOSS] Indexing the ID field of EMBL-formatted databases.

charles-listes-emboss at plessy.org charles-listes-emboss at plessy.org
Wed May 30 21:13:04 EDT 2007

Le Wed, May 30, 2007 at 02:33:11PM +0100, Peter Rice a écrit :
> Aha ... mirbase is in EMBL format .. except the IDs are in lower case. All other 
> EMBL/UniProt databases are in upper case.
> in emboss/dbiflat.c function dbiflat_ParseEmbl, add a conversion to upper case:
> Will be included in the July release.

Thanks to you and David for the answers !

By the way, where can I have informations about upcoming releases ? I am
part of the team that makes Debian packages for EMBOSS, and it would
help us to organise our work...

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Wako, Saitama, Japan

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