[EMBOSS] Segmentation fault with multiple similarity matricies in fdnadist

Hazel Hartman Jenkins hjenkins at uvic.ca
Tue May 29 19:14:25 EDT 2007

Hello, all,

I have a replicable segmentation fault problem.

If I run the following command;

fneighbor -datafile tinytest.dat -replicates y -outfile filefrom.fnb

using a tinytest.dat file containing;
1187Aquife  0.000000  0.368385  0.404489
BB213b06    0.368385  0.000000  0.151182
BB269b06    0.404489  0.151182  0.000000

then everything works.

If, however, my tinytest.phy contains two  similarity matricies (or, for 
that matter, the one hundred bootstrap replicates written by fdnadist by 
default), like this;
1187Aquife  0.000000  0.368385  0.404489
BB213b06    0.368385  0.000000  0.151182
BB269b06    0.404489  0.151182  0.000000
1187Aquife  0.000000  0.368385  0.404489
BB213b06    0.368385  0.000000  0.151182
BB269b06    0.404489  0.151182  0.000000

then fdnadist returns;
Phylogenies from distance matrix by N-J or UPGMA method
Segmentation fault

The fault remains regardless of the "-replicates" setting.

I am not familiar with the Emboss program; I am attempting to translate a 
Phylip algorhythm. It is possible that I am simply misusing fdnadist.

I downloaded this through the Gentoo Linux distribution, so I've 
cross-posted the query on the Gentoo forums at 
http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-4080556.html#4080556. I'll also 
cross-post the fix.

Thank you for your time.

H. Jenkins

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