[BioRuby] [Open-bio Board] Buildbot on testing.open-bio.org

Naohisa GOTO ngoto at gen-info.osaka-u.ac.jp
Fri Nov 4 02:51:17 EDT 2011


On Wed, 2 Nov 2011 21:01:40 +0000
Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com> wrote:

> I have another suggestion, which is that the test suite print
> a tiny environment summary at the start (e.g. Ruby version
> and operating system information).

Since Ruby 1.9.3 (or after svn trunk r33205), the default test
runner in Ruby prints this message at the end of all tests, e.g.

  3640 tests, 21267 assertions, 2 failures, 4 errors, 0 skips

  ruby -v: ruby 2.0.0dev (2011-11-01) [x86_64-linux]

I think this is enough. For older Ruby versions, please put
a line "ruby -v" in the shell script.

Naohisa Goto
ngoto at gen-info.osaka-u.ac.jp / ng at bioruby.org

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