[BioRuby] Scheduled time for nightly buildbot?

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 3 11:39:36 EDT 2011

2011/11/1 Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com>:
> Ideally the buildslave will be on and online all the time, so that it
> can be run on a nightly basis. Note we may want to choose this
> time carefully given I assume BioRuby will have some slaves in
> Europe, some in Japan, and maybe some in the USA/Canada?

I suggest initially we run the nightly BioRuby tests at about 20:00
GMT/UTC, which is evening in Europe (after work) and 5:00 in
Japan (before work).

Does that suit everyone considering offering a machine to run as
a buildslave?

If not, we may have to have multiple tests scheduled on a rota
system for machines in Europe, America and Asia (etc). That
would be more complicated to administer though.


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