[BioRuby] [Open-bio Board] Buildbot on testing.open-bio.org

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 1 10:19:32 EDT 2011

2011/11/1 Tiago Antão <tiagoantao at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> 2011/10/31 Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com>:
>> Let's work on the issues Tiago has identified (e.g. non-zero
>> return codes, option to disable network tests, etc) before
>> extending this to more build slaves, and to look at the gems.
> Peter summarized what needs to be done quite well. We currently have a
> bare bones server here:
> http://testing.open-bio.org/bioruby/
> The issues are then:
> non-zero return code of
> ruby setup.rb test
> (on error) is necessary to detect errors automatically.
> disable network tests is convenient in order to avoid hammering online
> databases (especially if you have lots of builders). Later we can
> setup a weekly test for networked code. This might be more serious
> with biopython where we have lots of builders (see below).
> You will also have to provide slaves (ie machines that will actually
> run the actual tests). The buildmaster will only coordinate those
> slaves (and provide information on the outcomes). You will have to
> decide how many (and types of slaves that you have). I will describe
> the biopython situation so that you can use as a template.
> We support several operating systems with several architectures, so:
> Linux 32 bit
> Linux 64 bit
> Win XP
> Win 7
> Win 7 64 bit
> OS X 10.6
> This would mean at least 6 slaves (your desktop/laptop can be a slave,
> as long as you start buildbot slave either manually or automatically)

Ideally the buildslave will be on and online all the time, so that it
can be run on a nightly basis. Note we may want to choose this
time carefully given I assume BioRuby will have some slaves in
Europe, some in Japan, and maybe some in the USA/Canada?

> In our case we support several Python versions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1,
> 3.2, so this could mean up to 30 builders (5 operating
> systems/architectures, times 5 versions). I suppose with bioruby
> it will be much simpler... Have a look here:
> http://testing.open-bio.org/biopython/tgrid

Note that one machine can cover several builds - we have one
server doing tests for Python 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.2 and Jython
(that makes 6 versions of Python, 7 if we start testing PyPy as

For BioRuby I am expecting you to want to cover at least Ruby 1.8
and 1.9 as two separate targets. Do the minor versions matter
enough to be tested separately?

> Finally, when things are running smoothly, you might want to take
> ownership of the buildbot server yourselves...
> Any issue/question do not hesitate to contact,

Likewise I am happy to answer questions, and I hope to be able
to offer some buildslaves for testing BioRuby (machines that
already test Biopython).



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