[BioRuby] [Open-bio Board] Buildbot on testing.open-bio.org

Tiago Antão tiagoantao at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 09:11:04 EDT 2011

Hi all,

2011/10/31 Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com>:
> Let's work on the issues Tiago has identified (e.g. non-zero
> return codes, option to disable network tests, etc) before
> extending this to more build slaves, and to look at the gems.

Peter summarized what needs to be done quite well. We currently have a
bare bones server here:

The issues are then:
non-zero return code of
ruby setup.rb test
(on error) is necessary to detect errors automatically.

disable network tests is convenient in order to avoid hammering online
databases (especially if you have lots of builders). Later we can
setup a weekly test for networked code. This might be more serious
with biopython where we have lots of builders (see below).

You will also have to provide slaves (ie machines that will actually
run the actual tests). The buildmaster will only coordinate those
slaves (and provide information on the outcomes). You will have to
decide how many (and types of slaves that you have). I will describe
the biopython situation so that you can use as a template.

We support several operating systems with several architectures, so:
Linux 32 bit
Linux 64 bit
Win XP
Win 7
Win 7 64 bit
OS X 10.6

This would mean at least 6 slaves (your desktop/laptop can be a slave,
as long as you start buildbot slave either manually or automatically)

In our case we support several Python versions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1,
3.2, so this could mean up to 30 builders (5 operating
systems/architectures, times 5 versions). I suppose with bioruby it
will be much simpler... Have a look here:

Finally, when things are running smoothly, you might want to take
ownership of the buildbot server yourselves...

Any issue/question do not hesitate to contact,

Best regards,

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