[Biopython] ncbi entrez eutils
Vikram K
kpguy1975 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 30 17:22:31 UTC 2010
have been investigating the ncbi entrez eutils feature. Consider the esearch
eutils. i typed this on my python shell:
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> handle = Entrez.esearch(db="nucleotide", retmax=10, term="Opuntia")
>>> record = Entrez.read(handle)
>>> print record["Count"]
>>> print record["IdList"]
['186461630', '71390237', '71390236', '297381040', '297381039', '297381038',
'297381037', '297381036', '297381035', '284178681']
>>> print record
{u'Count': '427', u'RetMax': '10', u'IdList': ['186461630', '71390237',
'71390236', '297381040', '297381039', '297381038', '297381037', '297381036',
'297381035', '284178681'], u'TranslationStack': [{u'Count': '204', u'Field':
'Organism', u'Term': '"Opuntia"[Organism]', u'Explode': 'Y'}, {u'Count':
'427', u'Field': 'All Fields', u'Term': 'Opuntia[All Fields]', u'Explode':
'Y'}, 'OR', 'GROUP'], u'TranslationSet': [{u'To': '"Opuntia"[Organism] OR
Opuntia[All Fields]', u'From': 'Opuntia'}], u'RetStart': '0',
u'QueryTranslation': '"Opuntia"[Organism] OR Opuntia[All Fields]'}
>>> print record ["TranslationStack"]
[{u'Count': '204', u'Field': 'Organism', u'Term': '"Opuntia"[Organism]',
u'Explode': 'Y'}, {u'Count': '427', u'Field': 'All Fields', u'Term':
'Opuntia[All Fields]', u'Explode': 'Y'}, 'OR', 'GROUP']
When i go to NCBI Entrez Nucleotide and type Opuntia in the search space i
get a list of 427 entries. The first 10 of these have gi numbers
corresponding to the numbers given by record["IDList"]. What information is
record["Count"]--the value 427-- giving?
Also, what is the count value 204 which shows up when you output
Finally, is it correct to say that NCBI eutils are all APIs? Further, should
Biopython also be considered as an API?
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