[Biopython] Superpose structures

Christian Schäfer schafer at rostlab.org
Fri Dec 18 23:57:52 UTC 2009


an alternative would be to use the program ProFit 
(http://www.bioinf.org.uk/software/profit/index.html), which does a 
least-square fitting based on aligned residues of one reference and one 
or more mobile structures. It comes with an extensive yet easy 
comprehensible set of commands.
I'm currently using it myself within my Python code.


On 12/18/2009 05:25 PM, Yasser Almeida Hernández wrote:
> Hi all!!
> I want to superpose some structures on a reference one.
> The fixed selection is the backbone atoms of two residues and i want to
> superpose the rest of structures based in this atoms (for the same
> residues in the others structures, of course)
> Reference selection:
> [[<Atom O>, <Atom C>, <Atom CA>, <Atom N>], [<Atom O>, <Atom C>, <Atom
> CA>, <Atom N>]]
> The moving selection is a similar nested list, with the list of the
> residues backbone atoms to move in the query structures....
> How can i superpose these structures based in the backbone atoms of two
> residues?
> Please help me...
> Thanks

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