[BioPython] blastall does not exist at %s" % blastcmd

Peter biopython at maubp.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Jan 8 10:46:02 UTC 2008

On Jan 8, 2008 9:06 AM, Stefanie Lück <lueck at ipk-gatersleben.de> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to get a local blast running. I proceeded as described in the cookbook
> but I allways get this Error message:
> >>>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "F:\Blast\blast.py", line 10, in <module>
>     my_blast_db, my_blast_file)
>   File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\Bio\Blast\NCBIStandalone.py", line 1499, in blastall
>     raise ValueError, "blastall does not exist at %s" % blastcmd
> ValueError: blastall does not exist at C:\Blast\bin\blastall.exe
> <<<
> >>>
> My Code:
> import Bio
> from Bio.Blast import NCBIStandalone
> import os
> my_blast_db = r"F:\Blast\primerdb"
> my_blast_file = "test.fasta"
> my_blast_exe = r"C:\Blast\bin\blastall.exe"
> result_handle, error_info = NCBIStandalone.blastall(my_blast_exe, "blastn",
> my_blast_db, my_blast_file)
> ...
> blastall.exe is in this folder (checked by os.listdir()) but can't be found from the tool.

Could you try this, which is the test done in the Biopython blastall
function that triggers the error message you saw:

print os.path.exists(my_blast_exe)

Could you also double check the path is C:\Blast\bin\blastall.exe and
not perhaps C:\Blast\blastall.exe (the NCBI changed this at some point
on Windows). Also did you install it to the F: drive where your
database is, rather than C: ?

> I'm using Python 2.5 and biopython-1.44.win32-py2.5.exe.

What version of standalone blast do you have?


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