[BioPython] Clustalw.parse_file errors

Nick Matzke matzke at berkeley.edu
Tue Aug 5 20:30:16 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I'm running through the excellent biopython tutorial here:

I've hit an error here:
9.4.2  Creating your own substitution matrix from an alignment

...basically the Clustalw parser won't parse even the given example 
alignment file (protein.aln) or another example file from elsewhere 

from Bio import Clustalw
from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
from Bio.Align import AlignInfo

# get an alignment object from a Clustalw alignment output
c_align = Clustalw.parse_file("protein.aln", IUPAC.protein)
summary_align = AlignInfo.SummaryInfo(c_align)
this code doesn't work with the given protein.aln file, error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "biopython_alignments.py", line 163, in ?
     c_align = Clustalw.parse_file(protein_align_file, IUPAC.protein)
line 60, in parse_file
     clustal_alignment._star_info = generic_alignment._star_info
AttributeError: Alignment instance has no attribute '_star_info'

It also doesn't work with the example.aln file here:

...but throws a different error:


c_align = Clustalw.parse_file('example.aln', alphabet=IUPAC.protein)
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "biopython_alignments.py", line 174, in ?
     c_align = Clustalw.parse_file('example.aln', alphabet=IUPAC.protein)
line 47, in parse_file
     generic_alignment = AlignIO.read(handle, "clustal")
line 299, in read
     first = iterator.next()
line 169, in next
     raise ValueError("Could not parse line:\n%s" % line)
ValueError: Could not parse line:
                                            *:::**:.**.** *.*** .:* 

I am running:
wright:/bioinformatics/pyeg nick$ py -V
Python 2.4.4

...& biopython installed just last week...

Any help appreciated, since I will have to use this module soon!

Nicholas J. Matzke
Ph.D. student, Graduate Student Researcher
Huelsenbeck Lab
4151 VLSB (Valley Life Sciences Building)
Department of Integrative Biology
University of California, Berkeley

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Email: matzke at berkeley.edu

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