[BioPython] Problems with NCBIXML.py

Bruno Santos bsantos at biocant.pt
Wed Oct 24 16:23:56 UTC 2007

Peter Wrote:
>Without seeing the XML file I'm having to guess - but this could be 
>something to do with trying to read files from disk before the OS has 
>finished flushing the data out.  Mismatched tags could certainly be 
>explained if the parser was only getting part of the data.
>You could try inserting a sleep of a few seconds after writing and 
>closing the XML file.  Also try handle.flush() before the handle.close() 
>when you save the XML file to disk.

You were right I was getting the data before it has been written to the
file. Now it's working perfect. 

But know I have another problem it's possible to instead of making a single
request to NCBI_Blast with one sequence, make the request for all the
sequences in a multiFASTA file?

I'm trying to use threads to do this but until now without luck.

Thanks in advance,
Bruno Santos

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