[BioPython] NCBIDictionary and genome database

Tiago Antão tiagoantao at gmail.com
Thu Jan 25 17:32:35 UTC 2007


Just a question regarding accessing NCBI genome database from NCBIDictionary:
In the code there is:
class NCBIDictionary:
    """Access GenBank using a read-only dictionary interface.
    VALID_DATABASES = ['nucleotide', 'protein']
That is, genome is not a valid one.
Is there a reason for that?

BTW, I have the following workaround (which might be good or bad...):

from Bio import GenBank
from Bio.config.DBRegistry import EUtilsDB, DBGroup
from Bio.dbdefs.genbank import ncbi_failures
from Bio import db

genome_genbank_eutils = EUtilsDB(
        name = "genome-genbank-eutils",
        doc = "Retrieve genome GenBank sequences from NCBI using EUtils",
        delay = 5.0,
        db = "genome",
        rettype = "gb",
        failure_cases = ncbi_failures

ncbi_dict = GenBank.NCBIDictionary('nucleotide', 'genbank')
ncbi_dict.db = genome_genbank_eutils

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