[BioPython] Martel problems and MS-Windows

Brad Chapman chapmanb at uga.edu
Tue Mar 2 14:42:53 EST 2004


> I have tried to install biopython. It seem to works propertly, but when
> trying the example of the cookbook the Martel module fails (or this is what
> I think).
> When typing: GenBank.FeatureParser() I get the error: "ImportError: No
> module named Martel".

It looks like you did everything perfectly find -- I believe the
problem is that Martel (the underlying parsing engine) was
accidentally left out of the windows installer.

Michiel kindly provided the installers, so maybe he'd be willing to
double-check if the might have been left out -- since I'm not much
of a Windows person myself.

(As an aside to Michiel -- I think this problem is caused by the way
that the setup.py works. Specifically, only installing Martel if the
version number of the "distributed Martel" is bigger than the
"installed Martel." I put a note in the release instructions and
will fix this in the future by bumping the Martel version on each
release. This also ensures that any fixes/changes to Martel get

So yes, it looks like a problem on our part, and hopefully we can
get it sorted for you. Thanks for reporting it and sorry for any


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