[BioPython] Martel installation

Brad Chapman chapmanb at uga.edu
Wed Nov 26 14:01:41 EST 2003

Hi Michiel;

> For some reason, the Martel files were indeed missing from the Windows 
> installers of Biopython.  I have made new Windows installers that now 
> contain Martel. They are available at
> http://bonsai.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~mdehoon/biopython-1.23.win32-py2.2.exe
> http://bonsai.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~mdehoon/biopython-1.23.win32-py2.3.exe

Thanks! I put them up on the biopython website.

> (I'll remove these links once the installers are available from the 
> Biopython website, I haven't figured out yet how to do that).

Basically, you just put them in /home/websites/biopython.org/files
on the biopython.org computer. Do you have an account there? If not
and you want to maintain them I can add you (I also don't mind just
copying them over from your machine -- your choice).

Modifying the website is a little tricker but not much. I wrote up
some documentation about the website here:


If you want to get more into it (and you are definitely welcome to

Speaking of the website -- Jeff, it looks like you didn't check in
the latest version of the download page when you made the last
release (the copy in CVS still has the 1.22 page). Would you mind
checking that in when you get a chance? Sweet.

Thanks again Michiel for maintaining the Windows installers.

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