[BioPython] help with our python-based viewcvs.cgi installation?

chris dagdigian dag@sonsorol.org
Sat, 18 Aug 2001 15:49:25 -0400

Hey python people,

I've just upgraded to viewcvs 0.7 on cvs.open-bio.org and we are still 
having problems.

For instance- choose one of the cvs roots and drill down deeply into a 
few subdirectories. Then try to click on one of the prior directory 
locations that are listed at the top of the page under "Current 
directory:" The link will fail because the HTML URL seems to have been 
badly constructed by the python viewcvs.cgi program.

I'm not sure if this is a bug, a config issue or possibly an artifact of 
the way the virtual hosts are set up on that machine.

Any python people willing to take a look at this to help me figure out 
if the fault is my own :)
