[Bioperl-l] Problem using Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast

Lucky Singh slucky at ibab.ac.in
Mon Aug 22 02:01:16 EDT 2011

Dear sir/Ma'am,

I am student of Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology,
Bangalore, India. While doing my project work I needed remoteblast.pm. So
I used default example program which is available with this package. Now I
wanted to host it from web server, but This program is not working from it
may be it is not able to create or write on file from web server but in
command line it is working fine. I don't know the possible reason, please
help me to figure it out.

-> I am using same example program with basic cgi modification for taking
input from web browser.
-> Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit OS
-> apache2 server
-> I have given all permissions 777 recursively to cgi-bin folder

Lucky Singh

Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology,
Biotech Park
Electronics City Phase I
Bangalore 560 100
Tel: 080-28528900, 080-28528901, 080-28528902
Fax: 080-28528904

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