[Bioperl-l] Change of Expasy Protparam url

Chris Fields cjfields at illinois.edu
Sun Aug 21 13:56:10 EDT 2011

Thanks for pointing that out.  I've updated that on github. The critical thing is to get some tests working, so a failure for the webservice doesn't happen again w/o some exceptions (so we can track this).


On Aug 21, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Ulrik Stervbo wrote:

> it seems the there are some minor changes with the urls for the expasy-services.
> In the Protparam.pm, line 110 should be changed from
> @args=('-url'=>'http://www.expasy.org/cgi-bin/protparam','-form'=>'sequence', at args);
> to
> @args=('-url'=>'http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/protparam/protparam','-form'=>'sequence', at args);
> At least it seems to be working here, after adding the change to my
> local Protparam.pm
> Cheers,
> Ulrik
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