[Bioperl-l] Fwd: gene extraction script

Florent Angly florent.angly at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 18:05:22 EDT 2010

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	gene extraction script
Date: 	Tue, 20 Jul 2010 15:56:36 +0100
From: 	Nicholas Brown <n.brown at nhm.ac.uk>
To: 	<florent.angly at gmail.com>


Sorry to distrub, I'm currently working at the natural history museum on some DNA sequencing techniques and I came accross a script you posted ( see below) which I think maybe helpful. The problem I have is that I have lots of sequnces of the same Mitochondrial genomes of different species aligned and I would like to extract the genes from each of the sequences easily, I wondered if there was an easy modificaiton to your script that I could perform that would allow me to do this? The sequences for the genes are already submitted to genbank, so i was just wondering if this would be a quicker simplier way than doing it manually?
Thanks so much for your time in reading this.

Kind Regards,

Nicholas Brown

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$

=head1 NAME

extract_genes.pl - extract genomic sequences from NCBI files
using BioPerl


This script is a simple solution to the problem of
extracting genomic regions corresponding to genes. There are other
solutions, this particular approach uses genomic sequence
files from NCBI and gene coordinates from Entrez Gene.

The first time this script is run it will be slow as it will
extract species-specific data from the gene2accession file and create
a storable hash (retrieving the positional data from this hash is
significantly faster than reading gene2accession each time the script
runs). The subsequent runs should be fast.



Install BioPerl, full instructions at http://bioperl.org.

=head2 Download gene2accession.gz

Download this file from ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/DATA into
your working directory and gunzip it.

=head2 Download sequence files

Create one or more species directories in the working directory, the
directory names do not have to match those at NCBI (e.g. "Sc", "Hs").

Download the nucleotide fasta files for a given species from its CHR*
directories at ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes and put these files into a
species directory. The sequence files will have the suffix ".fna" or
"fa.gz", gunzip if necessary.

=head2 Determine Taxon id

Determine the taxon id for the given species. This id is the first column
in the gene2accession file. Modify the %species hash in this script
such that name of your species directory is a key and the taxon id is the

=head2 Command-line options

   -i   Gene id
   -s   Name of species directory
   -h   Help


   extract_genes.pl -i 850302 -s Sc


use strict;
use Bio::DB::Fasta;
use Getopt::Long;
use Storable;

my %species = ( "Sc" =>  4932,  # Saccharomyces cerevisiae
				     "Ec" =>  83333, # Escherichia coli K12
					  "Hs" =>  9606   # H. sapiens

my ($help,$id,$name);

GetOptions( "s=s"  =>   \$name,
             "i=i"  =>   \$id,
				"h"    =>   \$help );

usage() if ($help || !$id || !$name);

my $storedHash = $name . ".dump";

# create index for a directory of fasta files
my $db = Bio::DB::Fasta->new($name, -makeid =>  \&make_my_id);

# extract species-specific data from gene2accession
unless (-e $storedHash) {
	my $ref;
	# extract species-specific information from gene2accession
	open MYIN,"gene2accession" or die "No gene2accession file\n";
	while (<MYIN>) {
		my @arr = split "\t",$_;
		if ($arr[0] == $species{$name}&&  $arr[9] =~ /\d+/&&  $arr[10] =~ /\d+/) {
			($ref->{$arr[1]}->{"start"}, $ref->{$arr[1]}->{"end"},
			 $ref->{$arr[1]}->{"strand"}, $ref->{$arr[1]}->{"id"}) =	
				($arr[9], $arr[10], $arr[11], $arr[7]);
	# save species-specific information using Storable
	store $ref, $storedHash;

# retrieve the species-specific data from a stored hash
my $ref = retrieve($storedHash);

# retrieve sequence and sub-sequence
if (defined $ref->{$id}) {
	my $chr = $db->get_Seq_by_id($ref->{$id}->{"id"});
	my $seq = $chr->trunc($ref->{$id}->{"start"},$ref->{$id}->{"end"});
	$seq = $seq->revcom if ($ref->{$id}->{"strand"} eq "-");

	# Insert SeqIO options here...
	print $seq->seq,"\n";
} else {
	print "Cannot find id: $id\n";

sub make_my_id {
	my $line = shift;
	$line =~ /ref\|([^|]+)/;

sub usage {
	system "perldoc $0";


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