[Bioperl-l] problem of bioperl on mac

MADSGENE xuy at agr.gc.ca
Thu Feb 26 00:04:09 UTC 2009

I installed the bioperl-pm586 version 1.5.2-4 in my macbook(MAC OS X version
10.5.6) using fink. I also found it in /sw/share/bioperl-pm586. However I
failed to get it when I typed "which". When I typed >perl -e 'print @INC',
it displayed /sw/lib/perl5/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-21evel...but no
information about bioperl-pm586. I took the suggstion and added "setenv
PERL5LIB ${PERL5LIB}:/sw/share/bioperl-pm586 " into .bashrc, it still did
not work.

I am grateful to you if anyone could help me out.
I note there are two .bashrc files, one is in root and the other in home. If
your suggestion is to modify these files, please let me know which one.


Xia Wang

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