[Bioperl-l] Nightly build archives now available

Sendu Bala bix at sendu.me.uk
Fri Mar 7 09:19:36 EST 2008

Sendu Bala wrote:
> Chris Fields wrote:
>> I haven't tried it out yet, to tell the truth.  The worry I have is 
>> prompting during the build process for database tests, networking, etc.
>> I have looked for it, but couldn't determine whether we have a way to 
>> run 'perl Build.PL' and bypass prompts with passed arguments.  The 
>> only one I could find was 'network', for network tests.
>> Scott Cain and I have corresponded about this before, i.e. it would be 
>> nice to have boolean flags for each prompt (prereqs, database tests, 
>> scripts, network, etc).  For nightly PPMs I would forego tests and 
>> include scripts.
> I don't quite understand how you're making the nightlys right now, but 
> you should be using the dist actions:
> http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/Making_a_BioPerl_release
> Ie.
> One time (and one time only):
> perl Build.PL (it doesn't matter how you answer the questions)
> Then every night:
> ./Build dist
> ./Build ppmdist
> You then upload the resulting .tar.gz and .zip files.

Ah, having uploaded the various archives you'll have to manually delete 
them before dunning the dist action the next night, otherwise dist will 
ask you if you want to overwrite them. Otherwise dist asks no questions.

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