[Bioperl-l] Nightly build archives now available

Sendu Bala bix at sendu.me.uk
Fri Mar 7 09:10:08 EST 2008

Chris Fields wrote:
> I haven't tried it out yet, to tell the truth.  The worry I have is 
> prompting during the build process for database tests, networking, etc.
> I have looked for it, but couldn't determine whether we have a way to 
> run 'perl Build.PL' and bypass prompts with passed arguments.  The only 
> one I could find was 'network', for network tests.
> Scott Cain and I have corresponded about this before, i.e. it would be 
> nice to have boolean flags for each prompt (prereqs, database tests, 
> scripts, network, etc).  For nightly PPMs I would forego tests and 
> include scripts.

I don't quite understand how you're making the nightlys right now, but 
you should be using the dist actions:



One time (and one time only):
perl Build.PL (it doesn't matter how you answer the questions)

Then every night:
./Build dist
./Build ppmdist

You then upload the resulting .tar.gz and .zip files.

Only if Build.PL or ModuleBuildBioperl are updated might you need to:
./Build realclean
perl Build.PL
again. But this should be a rare event and even more rarely would it be 
/required/ (probably never).

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