[Bioperl-l] Restriction Enzyme cuts on Circular plasmids

Rob Edwards redwards at utmem.edu
Thu Oct 30 20:52:41 EST 2003

The following is a quick patch for Bio/Restriction/Analysis.pm so that 
it handles circular sequences correctly if there is another cut site in 
the region that has been linearized. At the moment it won't handle a 
single cut site at that point (e.g. pBR322 has a single EcoRI site at 
the point it is circularized). I am not sure how to deal with this and 
need to think about it (the fragments are right but the cut sites are 

Can someone submit it for me?

I have submitted a Bugzilla report as #1548

< for further analysis. However, this will change the start of the
 > for further analysis. This fragment will also be checked for cuts
 > by the enzyme(s). However, this will change the start of the
<                 unshift (@re_frags, $last.$first);
 >               my $newfrag=$last.$first;
 >               my @cuts = split /($beforeseq)($afterseq)/i, $newfrag;
 >               my @newfrags;
 >               if ($#cuts) {
 >                # there is another cut
 >                for (my $i=0; $i<=$#cuts; $i+=2) {push (@newfrags, 
 >               }
 >               else {
 >                # there isn't another cut
 >                push (@newfrags, $newfrag);
 >               }
 >               push @re_frags, @newfrags;



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