[Bioperl-l] Re: [DAS] ProServer, a pluggable DAS server, Bio::SeqIO support added

Lincoln Stein lstein at cshl.edu
Tue Dec 2 16:13:30 EST 2003

Neat!  Can you turn this into a one paragraph news announcement?  I will post 
it to the biodas web site.


On Friday 28 November 2003 11:46 am, Andreas Kahari wrote:
> Hi lists (sorry for the cross-posting),
> This for those of you who are interested in DAS but not aware of
> ProServer:
> ProServer is a DAS server implementation written in Perl by
> Roger Pettett at the Sanger Institute, here outside Cambridge in
> the UK.  It builds on top of ideas from Tony Cox, also at the
> Sanger Institute.
> The point with ProServer is that it is pluggable, so that any
> data source may be used as a source to serve DAS features from,
> as long as there is source adaptor and a transport module for
> it.  There are source adaptors already written for a number of
> types of sources, and they are fairly easy to extend to other
> types of sources or transports (I recently wrote a toy "wgetz"
> transport module from the already existing "getz" module which
> is used by the Swissprot source adaptor).  Other DAS servers
> often requires you to create a dedicated database of DAS data.
> I thought it might be of interest to a couple of you to note
> that you now also can serve features or sequence data from any
> type of file that Bio::SeqIO can read.  This, of course, is
> only of interest to people with smallish amount of data since
> queries are looked up sequentially in the files (unless the
> Bio::DB::Flat support in the code is used, which reduces the
> lookup time but which doesn't support all formats).
> ProServer is part of the Bio-Das2 module in the biodas CVS
> repository:
> http://cvs.bioperl.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/Bio-Das2/?cvsroot=biodas
> Cheers,
> Andreas

Lincoln D. Stein                           Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
lstein at cshl.org			                  Cold Spring Harbor, NY

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