[Bioperl-l] Parsing html blast output?

Jason Stajich jason at cgt.duhs.duke.edu
Tue Aug 12 08:23:23 EDT 2003

No, it is not currently possible to parse BLAST HTML output.

On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Wes Barris wrote:

> Hi,
> I know it is possible to use the SearchIO functions to parse either
> text blast output or xml blast output.  However, I would like to know
> if it is possible to parse html blast output?  For example, if I wanted
> to parse the output of this command:
> blastcl3 -d nr -p blastn -T -i fasta.txt -o blast.html
> When I try parsing the above "blast.html" file using example number 4
> from this file:
> 	http://bioperl.org/HOWTOs/html/Graphics-HOWTO.html
> I get errors.
> What I ended up doing is writing a perl "de-htmlizer" that I use to
> convert an html blast output file into a text-only blast output file.
> Then I run the result through a bioperl blast parsing script.  Is
> there a more elegant way to do this?

Jason Stajich
Duke University
jason at cgt.mc.duke.edu

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