[Biojava-dev] Dynamic features and sequences in BJX

Michael Heuer heuermh at acm.org
Wed Mar 22 21:19:58 UTC 2006

Richard Holland wrote:

> I've managed to do some testing and bugfixing and I think you'll find
> that dynamically-loaded features and sequence portions should now work.
> This means that when using FeatureFilter objects to load features, you
> only get the features you want loaded as they are (mostly) filtered at
> database level, and that these features will not drag the entire
> sequence out of the db until you query their symbols, and even then
> you'll only get the portion you request. If you do wish to work with the
> features and edit the underlying sequence or load it permanently, then
> you need to use fullyLoadRichSequence() in BioSQLRichSequenceDB.

So if I pull out a sequence and iterate over its features, as long as I
don't call any of the SymbolList methods on it or on any of the features,
the symbols will never be populated from the database?

Very cool.


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