[Biojava-dev] Dynamic features and sequences in BJX

Richard Holland richard.holland at ebi.ac.uk
Mon Mar 20 17:13:19 UTC 2006

Hi there.

I've managed to do some testing and bugfixing and I think you'll find
that dynamically-loaded features and sequence portions should now work.

This means that when using FeatureFilter objects to load features, you
only get the features you want loaded as they are (mostly) filtered at
database level, and that these features will not drag the entire
sequence out of the db until you query their symbols, and even then
you'll only get the portion you request. If you do wish to work with the
features and edit the underlying sequence or load it permanently, then
you need to use fullyLoadRichSequence() in BioSQLRichSequenceDB.

It's in CVS now. Hope it works for you all. Enjoy!


Richard Holland
European Bioinformatics Institute
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton
Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK
Tel: +44-(0)1223-494416

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