[Biopython] Planning Biopython 1.82

Adam Sjøgren asjo at koldfront.dk
Fri Jun 9 04:13:53 EDT 2023

Peter writes:

> Are there any open pull requests our community would particularly
> like to see merged ready for the next release, or major issues which
> need resolving?

I hit this issue in December:

 · PDBIO.save(fh) in BioPython 1.80 always closes the file handle
   - https://mailman.open-bio.org/pipermail/biopython/2022-December/016956.html

We are still using a workaround (writing to a temporary file instead of
using StringIO) - maybe that could be resolved, one way or another?

  Best regards,


 "Welcome to the Terrordome"                                Adam Sjøgren
                                                       asjo at koldfront.dk

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