[Biopython] LOCUS name length on GenBank output: option to adjust?

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 7 11:05:56 UTC 2017

Here's a related nasty hack, but with EMBL output where what
Biopython output isn't quite suitable for ENA submission - so I
did some string manipulation to preserve the original header:



On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 7:57 PM, Kevin Bonham <kevbonham at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just wanted to note that there was a similar discussion in #747 which I
> submitted about a year ago. I'm not sure if it adds anything to the
> discussion, but since the issue and Bastien's proposed change is similar to
> what I suggested I thought I'd throw it out there.
> I think the behavior implemented in #802 is a good solution, and agree
> additional complexity is not advisable. In the situation I linked to above,
> I ended up storing the longer names in a dictionary and used short keys for
> everything that biopython dealt with. Then when I was all done, I went back
> and re-wrote the locus lines using the dictionary and normal file I/O. It's
> a messy hack but I can go dig up the code if it would be helpful.
> Cheers!
> Kevin

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