[Biopython] Retieving CEL Files from GEO

Laurent lgautier at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 17:13:37 UTC 2011

> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 3:59 PM, SHARANYA RAGHUNATH<
> sharanya.raghunath at utah.edu>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I understand that there is a way to parse through the GEO data repository
>> in Biopython; however, is there a way to download the actual CEL files or
>> the SOFT files using a GSE or GDS id?
> Hi, Sharanya.
> You might take a look at both the GEOquery and GEOmetadb Bioconductor
> packages.  I know it is not a biopython solution, but I wanted to make sure
> that you were aware of them.  However, where the raw data are available (and
> they are not always available), you can simply download them from the NCBI
> ftp site:
> ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/
> Sean
> Disclaimer: I may be slightly biased about the relevance of the above
> software packages....

A similar question on this list received a similar answer (
), and despite the disclosed bias in the answer it was spot on (or so I 
heard). If you have a way to call R from Python, you can immediately use 
libraries available in R.

Disclaimer: The above answer tries to avoid biases regarding the 
relevance of a specific software package. ;-)

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