[BioPython] Blast and PsiBlast

Aurélie Bornot aurelie.bornot at free.fr
Fri Apr 1 07:44:39 EST 2005

Hello !

I am new in programming with python and Biopython !!
First : Thanks guies for all the work that is already done !

I must deal a lot of types of alignments, and I am in trouble for some questions ... : (
- I don't understand why qblast( ) can't "call" the program called blastx.. ?
- I am searching for how to do psiBLAST or PhiBlast on line : is it possible ?
- Is it possible to use the BlastErrorParser () (NCBIStandalone) to parse a file which come from some qblast() online ?
- I am also searching if there is a module to deal with Smith&Waterman and Needleman&Wunch ? and if not : how can I a do ?

a lot of questions......
Could someone try to answer to any of these questions ??? or give me some clues and advice

Thanks a lot

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