[BioPython] what should I do next?

Cayte katel@worldpath.net
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 23:23:08 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Dalke <dalke@acm.org>
To: <biopython@biopython.org>
> Cayte:
> > If you tell me where your files are, I can write test cases.

> I've placed the most recent copy of my proposed code at
> ftp://starship.python.net/pub/crew/dalke/biopython/
> There is some regression code under test/, but it is incomplete.
> To run it, "make test".  The regression code is a modified
> version of "regrtest" from the Python distribution.
> There are hooks for a Python coverage utility, which is also
> available from my Starship site.  I've not run the coverage yet -
> I know there are modules which aren't even imported by any of my
> tests and probably don't work since I rearranged the directory
> structure somewhat.
> Oh, and the SeqIO idea is likely to change as I figure out how
> to make Jeff's work and mine fit together.
> You mentioned you have some unit test code for Python.  Can
> you point it out to me?

   Yes, ftp to the path bio.perl.org/pub/katel/biopython/UnitTests.  Eugene
Leitl posted  a warning that its dangerous to embed html links in email, so
until I inverstigate it further, I'm not creating links. I have tests for
Jeff's code under the ftp paths bio.perl.org/pub/katel/biopython/Bio
/Prosite/Tests and bio.perl.org/pub/katel/biopython/SwissProt/Tests
> > From what I've seen of open source efforts, nobody "drives" them.
> > People contribute in a bursty way, when they have the time and
> > motivation.