[Bioperl-pipeline] rerunning an analysis

jeremyp at sgx3.bmb.uga.edu jeremyp at sgx3.bmb.uga.edu
Wed Mar 5 16:10:36 EST 2003


Actually, it turns out that I will know the number of times a given
analysis must run before the pipeline starts. So, I am going to
automatically generate the appropriate xml file for now. I don't have any
specific examples where running something until an arbitrary condition is
met is necessary, although it's certainly possible that someone might need
this in the future.


> Hi Jeremy,
> 	 there is no support for that currently. The rules for the job
> management are
> still quite rudimentary in this sense. Do you have a specific use case
> for such a
> pipeline? It is easier to implement if one wants to run something a
> fixed number of times.
> However to run something until an arbitrary condition will need more
> thought. Perhaps
> you could elaborate further?
> shawn

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