[Bioperl-pipeline] Re: Installation of EnsEMBL Pipeline

Elia Stupka elia@fugu-sg.org
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 12:22:08 +0800

Dear Shuang,

    we at the Fugu Informatics group in Singapore have been finding it very
difficult and tedious to setup the ensembl pipeline in-house, and so we have
decided to develop BioPipe a generic pipeline software which we also use to
run the ensembl annotation in-house from dna annotation, to gene building,
to protein analysis. You can read more about BioPipe at
http://www.biopipe.org/ and you can e-mail our mailing list
bioperl-pipeline@bioperl.org to ask questions. We try to wrap all of our
pipelines in simple to load XML files to make the installation easier....

    Elia Stupka