[Bioperl-l] Errors with Bio::Seq objects

De-Jian Zhao dejian.zhao at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 17:31:37 UTC 2012


I downloaded a nucleotide sequence from Genbank (file name: nt.gb) and 
tested the Bio::SeqIO module as follows. The first 3 commands succeeded; 
however the last 2 failed.

I think $seqio->next_seq() produces a Bio::Seq object which contains the 
sequence, features and annotation (according to the DESCRIPTION of 
"perldoc Bio::Seq") and thus the invocation of the methods 
get_SeqFeatures() and translate() should be valid. However, the results 
denied this idea.

Will anyone explain what happened to the last 2 commands? I have 
encountered numerous cases of failures when testing the bioperl methods. 
I want to translate the mRNA sequence and extract the sequence features. 
What are the right commands? Thanks a lot!


PS: The commands and results

$ perl -e ' use Bio::SeqIO; my $seqio=Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>shift); 
print $seqio->next_seq()->display_id(); ' nt.gb

$ perl -e ' use Bio::SeqIO; my $seqio=Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>shift); 
print $seqio->next_seq()->molecule(); ' nt.gb

$ perl -e ' use Bio::SeqIO; my $seqio=Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>shift); 
print $seqio->next_seq()->subseq(1,6); ' nt.gb

$ perl -e ' use Bio::SeqIO; my $seqio=Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>shift); 
print $seqio->next_seq()->get_SeqFeatures(); ' nt.gb

$ perl -e ' use Bio::SeqIO; my $seqio=Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>shift); 
print $seqio->next_seq()->translate(); ' nt.gb

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