[Bioperl-l] RE: not all sequence is created equal

Hilmar Lapp hilmarl@yahoo.com
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 01:06:38 -0700

Chad Matsalla wrote:
> I was really boggling in the fact that I couldn't find anything that did
> these things. Does anybody know if these kinds of things have already been
> done?

Almost a year ago I wrote some code that extends a Bio::Seq to
manage quality values for every base, too. revcom() and truncate()
would do the same thing with the quality values. I also wrote a
qualfasta module that would read and write Phred/Phrap generated
seq/qual file pairs (phd->fasta and consensus assembly both result
in such pairs being written). Not a big deal in total. I'm not
sure how that now duplicates or fits with your code. (As I did it
at work, I had to wait with release until I got permission, which
actually was more or less approved very recently ... :)

Hilmar Lapp                              email: hilmarl@yahoo.com
GNF, San Diego, Ca. 92122                phone: +1 858 812 1757