Bioperl: RangeI strand questions

Steve Chervitz (Steve A. Chervitz)
Wed, 24 May 2000 16:54:38 -0700 (PDT)


In, the union and intersection methods were both always
returning 0 for the strand. Why is this? It seems better to preserve
strand information if the ranges being compared are on the same strand 
and return 0 only if this isn't the case. Is there any code that
depends on the current behavior?

There were several calls to _testStrand that didn't include both
arguments (the other range and the strand option string). Was this

Last item: The way union is set up, you can't supply a strand option
argument. If you instead specify that the range list be passed in as a
reference, then users could include a strand option argument:

  Bio::RangeI->union(\@ranges, 'strong');

What do you think?

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