[MOBY-dev] Dead services and how to figure them out

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Mon Nov 10 14:02:59 EST 2008

Hi Sergio!

it looks like we're back to the recurring question:  what metadata belongs  
IN the registry, and what metadata belongs elsewhere...


I tend to have the opinion that only metadata necessary for discovery of a  
service should be in the registry itself, and that metadata about QoS,  
uptime, downtime, versioning, etc. all belongs somewhere else...  by  
"somewhere else" I mean (a) in the hands of the service provider  
themselves, or (b) in a third-party metadata repository.  This was one of  
the primary driving motivations behind our use of LSIDs in BioMoby, since  
the LSID allowed us to provide this non-registry metadata through a  
straightforward, predictable API that was independent of the registry  
API.  That way, we didn't have to modify the registry or the registry API  
every time we had a new kind of metadata!  I *still* believe this is the  
right choice... though I understand that sometimes efficiency of query is  
a compelling reason to have all of that metadata in the same place.   
Nevertheless, I don't think it should be a function of the registry to  
decide which services it will and will not show you!  The registry should  
simply tell you everything it knows, and it should be a client-side  
decision which of those services it displays to the end-user (IMO).  As  
such, I don't necessarily see the motivation for having this kind of  
metadata as part of the registry API...

How do others feel about this?  Is there *anyone* (other than Gbrowse  
Moby) who actually uses the LSID resolver at MOBY Central to retrieve this  
third-party metadata?  If not, is there a reason why not?

Martin, perhaps you can weigh-in on this question, as you had  
once-upon-a-time worked on the NetNanny project that would have monitored  
QoS... do you have a strong opinion one way or the other about where this  
metadata should live?  (LOL!  Asking Martin if he has a "strong opinion"  
is perhaps redundant ;-)  LOL!)

Best wishes all!


On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 10:37:25 -0800, Sergio Ramirez Ramirez  
<srramirez at uma.es> wrote:

> Thanks Mark for your answer.
> I respond "between lines":
> Mark Wilkinson wrote:
>> On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 08:54:32 -0800, Sergio Ramirez Ramirez  
>> <srramirez at uma.es> wrote:
>>>   * Timeout: If the time limit is got when trying to connect to the
>>>       service.
>>>     * Disconnected: The connection with the service couldn't be  
>>> established.
>> What's the difference between these two?
> Really disconnected is more general than Timeout. It can be used when is  
> not possible to connect with the service but not exactly due a timeout.
>>> As you can see Eddie, the proposal is compatible with the one you  
>>> mention. The only difference is the way to query the status of the  
>>> service, that know can  be accessible using the functions of the MOBY  
>>> Central..
>> Thanks Sergio!  As usual, the INB has put together a very clear and  
>> thought-out proposal, and it is perfectly consistent with what we had  
>> in mind!  fantastic!
>> If I understand correctly, you currently keep this kind of metadata in  
>> the INB extended MOBY Central, right?  How tightly integrated is it  
>> with MOBY Central?  (i.e. have you changed the MOBY Central API such  
>> that you query for this metadata inside of the functions defined by the  
>> 'official' API, or is this data accessible via new API functions?)
> The idea is to make the information of the test done accessible thought  
> the API. For that  we need to include the status and the last test done  
> as new information of the registry. Related with the functions, the  
> proposal was to extend the functions to recover the list of services so  
> they returns also information about the status. Also was proposed that  
> those services that don't pass the test weren't returned in the list by  
> default so the users always got a list of working services
>> We (my lab) are similarly interested in QoS issues, and where to store  
>> this kind of QoSD metadata.  We're looking at repositories such as  
>> BioCatalogue as a possibile store, since we don't think that this is  
>> the kind of metadata that the registry itself should be in control of  
>> (in fact, the registry may not even be capable of knowing!)
>> Do you or your colleagues at INB have strong opinions about where to  
>> store this metadata, and what the API should be to query for it?
> In my personal opinion the information have to be stored in accesible  
> way (web-service, xml or similar) so can be handle programmability. The  
> real format and protocol used for stored them is not the most important  
> thing.
>> best wishes!
>> Mark
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Mark D Wilkinson, PI Bioinformatics
Assistant Professor, Medical Genetics
The James Hogg iCAPTURE Centre for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Research
Providence Heart + Lung Institute
University of British Columbia - St. Paul's Hospital
Vancouver, BC, Canada

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