[EMBOSS] Fwd: Re: Repetition pattern in fuzznuc/fuzzpro or dreg/preg

Peter Rice ricepeterm at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Sep 26 12:40:23 UTC 2012

On 26/09/2012 12:57, Rozenbaum, Daniel (Biocceleration Inc) wrote:
> Dear Peter,
> Great, thanks! One quick follow-up question: is it possible to request dreg/preg to report just those sequences where a match is found? Fuzznuc/pro seem to be working like that, but I haven't been able to figure out how to achieve that with dreg/preg.

When any program writes a report, one option is to ask for it in
-rformat listfile which reports the USAs of the matches.

Good point though about the difference between outputs, something nobody
had pointed out before. The fuzz programs came first so they should be
the 'standard' and for the next release we will modify dreg and preg to
only report sequences where a match is found.


Peter Rice

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