Consed users.

Alfons Nonell i Canals alfons at
Fri Jul 25 10:24:08 UTC 2003

I know that is, perhaps, an oftopic message but,I need help and some of
you can told me how to resolve a little problem.

I'm a young student that is using phred-phra-consed to assembly lots of
seqüences. One day, when I added new reads to my assembly, in the bash
terminal appeared an error like it:

1: Can't figure out read type for
since after the underscore is S2APIII_A02_S2APIII_1
1: Can't figure out read type for
since after the underscore is S2APIII_A03_S2APIII_1

After that, I updated my consed (v12) to the latest version, 13 but...
the problem didn't disapear...  I've studiet all perl scripts of the
package and I've discovered a line in determineReadtypes.perl with that
errror but.. I don't know the meaning of it.

Somebody can help me? I need that programs to my job research...



Departament de Genètica i microbiologia.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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