[EMBOSS] JEMBOSS login prob

Aengus Stewart aengus.stewart at cancer.org.uk
Tue Aug 12 20:06:24 UTC 2003

"Dr T. Carver" wrote:
> Hmmm. Did you give the install script the correct UID then (i.e. tomcat
> uid and not yours)? You can double check what it is by looking in
> EMBOSS-2.x.x/config.status to see what it was set as (-DTOMCAT_UID).
I have Checked that it is correct

from config.status

  with options \"'--with-java=/usr/java2/include/'
'--with-javaos=/usr/java2/include//irix' '--with-thread=irix'
'--prefix=/usr/local/mbsoftware/emboss' '--with-auth=shadow'
'--with-pngdriver=/usr/freeware' 'CC=cc -DTOMCAT_UID=60003 '
'LDFLAGS=-L/usr/freeware/lib32 -L/usr/freeware/lib'\"

from /etc/passwd

tomcat:x:60003:60003:Tomcat tiddly mouse:/usr/people/tomcat:/bin/ksh

> They will not let you have a non-priveleged 'tomcat' a/c on your new
> machine? All they would need to do is change the permissions on
> 'jembossctl' for you then!

I imagine this could be negotiated but as this service will be
externally available ( though authenticated ) they will nail down what
is available by the web.

However if it cant be fixed as it is then at least I have these emails
to convince them with!

Thanks for the help Tim.


Aengus Stewart
Computational Genome Analysis Laboratory  Tel: +44 (0)20 7269 3679
Cancer Research UK, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Holborn, London, WC2A 3PX, UK

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