2.1.0 build glitches on Solaris 8

ableasby at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk ableasby at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Thu Jan 3 20:47:48 UTC 2002

"But why does --with-png work when configure has CC=gcc and fail when
For what it's worth, libpng and libgd are in /usr/local and libz
is in /usr/lib where some Solaris package installed it."

Possibly because the 'cc' never looks in /usr/local whereas gcc well

>If there really was a unix "standard" we wouldn't be using configure

Indeed, but we could argue unnecessarily about that until the cows
come home and still not be able to second-guess various perversities.
Its either choose something reasonably standard or ordered otherwise
its a separate --with-gd=x --with-z=y --with=png=z or a
find / -name "libpng*" -exec etc :-)

>From what you describe of the locations on your system then both
compilers 'might' work if you specify --with-pngdriver=/usr/local

btw: Maybe emboss-bug is the best list for all this sort of


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