[BioSQL-l] *** SPAM *** Re: Storing "per letter" annotation?

Peter biopython at maubp.freeserve.co.uk
Sun May 25 05:49:36 EDT 2008

> It sounds like in essence you want to store alternative sequences in other
> alphabets for a sequence?

I hadn't thought of it like that, but for many of the examples it
would just be one character per letter of sequence, so could be held
as an alternative sequence.  This doesn't really extend to cover
things like a list of integers or a list of floats, but would
certainly cover a number of use-cases.

> In BioPerl we have Bio::Seq::SeqWithQuality and the more generic
> Bio::Seq::MetaI.

I'll have to look at those.

Thanks for you comments Hilmar - I'm not yet sure what would be the
best way forward for extending BioSQL for this sort of thing.  I guess
some real world examples of where it would be useful would be a
helpful guide.


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