[BioSQL-l] release plan

Hilmar Lapp hlapp at gmx.net
Mon Feb 18 20:47:27 UTC 2008

I put up a v1.0 release plan on the BioSQL wiki:


It is posted for your convenience below. Please let me know any  
comments or suggestions that you have.

There are a few open questions in there, if anyone has any  
suggestions or ideas towards those that'd be highly welcome:

#1 Is the Apache Derby version of the schema ready for inclusion in  
the release (i.e., should it be tested more thoroughly than it has  
been at the hackathon? I'm assuming it has been instantiated there?)

#2 Does anyone know whether there is a risk of the HSQLDB version not  
working on current releases of HSQLDB (HyperSonic)? Has anyone tested  
this recently, or can someone on the list make this test (i.e.,  
instantiate the schema on HSQLDB and see what happens)?


: Hilmar Lapp  -:-  Durham, NC  -:-  hlapp at gmx dot net :

1. Update license for BioSQL and all its DDL and software scripts.
2. Rename biosql-ora to biosqldb-ora for consistency with the other  
schema versions
3. Regenerate HTML documentation from schema DDL (using sqlt)
4. Create biosql-release-1.0 branch.
5. Remove from biosql-release-1.0 branch all schema modules or  
versions and all scripts that aren't release-ready yet, or are not  
yet or no longer supported.
This includes the following:
	* phylodb module DDLs
	* phylodb ERD
	* phy* scripts (depend on phylodb, and not up-to-date)
	* load_itis_taxonomy.pl, tree-precompute.pl scripts (depend on  
phylodb, and not up-to-date)
	* phylodb-topo-queries.sql (depends on phylodb)
6. Write release announcement.
7. Package BioSQL for release, upload to download site.
8. Release:
	* Add download and release link to wiki on front page (also add  
Downloads page ot sidebar).
	* Post announcement to biosql-l and news.open-bio.org.

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