[BioSQL-l] null title and CRC

Angel Pizarro angel at mail.med.upenn.edu
Thu Aug 3 13:12:24 EDT 2006

 From hilmar:
> The CRC for references uses the authors, title, and location  
> attributes in Bioperl-db, and empty (or null) strings default to the  
> string "<undef>".
> If title is empty and authors and location do not distinguish two  
> references, then why do you want to have two rows for those  
> references? Basically, there are identical for all intents and  
> purposes, or are they not?
> 	-hilmar

Sorry for not replying to the original thread, but I just joined this list.
This was an issue for me with bioperl loading as well, since I was using 
the same biosql instance to load two different biodatabases with the 
same entry. Specifically, I loaded IPI, which has no feature table in 
the entries, and the genbank equivalents to get the feature tables. 
Namely the constraint caused an error when the the genbank record was 

I think that this is primarily an issue with bioperl, but I raise it 
here to make the java folks aware of the potential pitfall and maybe ask 
if whether the CRC should be calculated with the biodatabase in mind? 
Probably not, since as hilmar states, it's still the same reference.

BTW - I solved the issue by dropping the constraint, since I really 
don't care about references. Not optimal, but certainly easiest thing to 
do ;)


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