[BioSQL-l] storing features to the database

Amit Indap indapa at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 13:31:36 EDT 2005


I have the following code that attempts to add a seq feature to a
sequence in my biosql database:

my $adp = $dbadp->get_object_adaptor("Bio::SeqI");

my $seq = Bio::Seq->new(-accession => $acc,
                                      --namespace =>$namespace,
                                      -version = $ver);

my $dbseq = $adp->find_by_unique_key($seq);
my $feat = new Bio::SeqFeature::Generic(-primary_tag = >$primary_tag,
                                                             -strand => 1,
                                                             -start => 100,
                                                             -end => 10000,
-source_tag => 'blat'

I had ~20,000 sequences I added features to. Yet when I run another script that 
lists features of sequences, these records come up with no features!

I'm not really sure what's going on. I made sure my namespace and
other parameters were correct. Maybe I should try and just run the
script again.


Amit Indap
Cornell University

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