[BioSQL-l] Problem in the SpeciesAdaptorDriver.pm

Hilmar Lapp hlapp at gnf.org
Mon Nov 24 09:52:08 EST 2003

ncbi_taxon_id is only in the taxon table, *not* in the taxon_name table.

I've seen someone posting this problem too a while ago. I suspected a  
version mix problem, which as far as I can recall turned out to be  
true, but my recollection may betray me.

I'll check on this. It's possible I've messed up something in emulating  
the pure Biosql API.


On Friday, November 14, 2003, at 05:36  PM, Gerben Menschaert wrote:

> Hello,
> We're running Biosql on Oracle (bioperl-db main cvs branch //  
> bioperl-1.2.3).
> When loading a genbank file we're bumping into the following error:
> DBD::Oracle::db prepare failed: ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined  
> (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute/Describe) [for statement ``SELECT  
> taxon_name.tax_oid, NULL, NULL, taxon.ncbi_taxon_id, taxon_name.name,  
> NULL FROM taxon, taxon_name WHERE taxon.oid = taxon_name.tax_oid AND  
> name_class = ? AND ncbi_taxon_id = ?'']) at  
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Bio/DB/BioSQL/Oracle/ 
> SpeciesAdaptorDriver.pm line 224, <GEN0> line 49.
> Could not store AF438089: Can't call method "bind_param" on an  
> undefined value at  
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Bio/DB/BioSQL/BasePersistenceAdaptor.pm  
> line 943, <GEN0> line 49.
> This is correct since the ncbi_taxon_id is both in the taxon and  
> taxon_name table.
> To solve the problem I included the following code snippet (between  
> comment lines) in Bio::DB::BioSQL::Oracle::SpeciesAdaptorDriver (see  
> bottom) :
> 1) Anybody has the same problem?
> 2) The solution is not very nice, so I tried to look for the correct  
> table_name in the %object_entity_map hash in the BaseDriver.pm  
> ($self->table_name("Bio::Species"), commented out in the code below).  
> It replaced the ncbi_taxon_id correctly to taxon.ncbi_taxon_id, but it  
> also resulted in the following error further on in the code: (3) Why?)
> DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-00001: unique constraint  
> (BIOSQL.XAK1TAXON) violated (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) [for statement  
> ``INSERT INTO taxon (tax_oid, ncbi_taxon_id, node_rank, left_value,  
> right_value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'' with params: :p4=367534,  
> :p5=367535, :p1='3405092', :p2='177435', :p3='species']) at  
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Bio/DB/BioSQL/Oracle/ 
> SpeciesAdaptorDriver.pm line 378, <GEN0> line 49.
> Could not store AF438089:
> ------------- EXCEPTION  -------------
> MSG: create: object (Bio::Species) failed to insert or to be found by  
> unique key
> STACK Bio::DB::BioSQL::BasePersistenceAdaptor::create  
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Bio/DB/BioSQL/ 
> BasePersistenceAdaptor.pm:207
> STACK Bio::DB::Persistent::PersistentObject::create  
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Bio/DB/Persistent/ 
> PersistentObject.pm:243
> STACK Bio::DB::BioSQL::BasePersistenceAdaptor::create  
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Bio/DB/BioSQL/ 
> BasePersistenceAdaptor.pm:170
> STACK Bio::DB::BioSQL::BasePersistenceAdaptor::store  
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Bio/DB/BioSQL/ 
> BasePersistenceAdaptor.pm:253
> STACK Bio::DB::Persistent::PersistentObject::store  
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Bio/DB/Persistent/ 
> PersistentObject.pm:270
> STACK (eval) /usr/local/bin/load_seqdatabase.pl:446
> STACK toplevel /usr/local/bin/load_seqdatabase.pl:429
> --------------------------------------
> ####Changes to SpeciesAdaptor.pm
> sub prepare_findbyuk_sth{
>     my ($self,$adp,$ukval_h,$fkslots) = @_;
>     # get the slot/attribute map
>     my $table = $self->table_name($adp);
>     my $node_table = $self->table_name("TaxonNode");
>     my $pkname = $self->primary_key_name($node_table);
>     my $fkname = $self->foreign_key_name("TaxonNode");
>     my $slotmap = $self->slot_attribute_map($table);
>     # SELECT columns
>     my @attrs = $self->_build_select_list($adp,$fkslots);
>     # WHERE clause constraints
>     my @cattrs = ();
>     foreach (keys %$ukval_h) {
>         my $col;
>         if(exists($slotmap->{$_})) {
>             $col = $slotmap->{$_};
>         }
>         push(@cattrs, $col || "NULL");
>         $self->warn("slot $_ is in unique key, but can't be mapped to  
> ".
>                     "an entity column: you won't find anything")
>             unless $col;
>     }
> ####################################################################### 
> ###
>     print STDERR "@cattrs \n";
>         for(my $i = 0; $i < @cattrs; $i++) {
>         if($cattrs[$i] =~ /ncbi_taxon_id/i){
>            # my $name_table = $self->table_name("Bio::Species");
>            # $cattrs[$i] ="$name_table.ncbi_taxon_id";
>            $cattrs[$i] = "taxon.ncbi_taxon_id";
>         }
>     }
> ####################################################################### 
> ##
>     # create the sql statement
>     my $sql = "SELECT " . join(", ", @attrs) .
>         " FROM $node_table, $table".
>         " WHERE $node_table.$pkname = $table.$fkname AND ".
>         join(" AND ", map { "$_ = ?"; } @cattrs);
>     $adp->debug("preparing UK select statement: $sql\n");
>     # prepare statement and return
>     return $adp->dbh()->prepare($sql);
> }
> Tanx,
> Gerben
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Hilmar Lapp                            email: lapp at gnf.org
GNF, San Diego, Ca. 92121              phone: +1-858-812-1757

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